Friday, August 04, 2006

"If I buy those jeans I can look like Kate Moss..."

Does anybody else think the nations weight obsession is spiraling out of control? In fact the whole of the wealthy western world is intent on starving themselves while those in poverty don't have a choice. Isn't that ridiculous?
You can't pass a celebrity gossip magazine without being told how you can loose weight in Weeks! Days! Hours! Seconds! If you follow a simple diet, simple meaning it only consists of wheatgrass.
What happened to being proud of curves? A woman is curvy, why are we all intent on looking like weedy little boys? Real woman have boobs, hips, and a shapely bum. That's a woman. I respect some people are naturally thin. Keira Knightley for instance. Naturally thin, beautiful body. Some people are lucky that way. Some of us aren't built that way, we shouldn't be ashamed. We are only human. Marilyn Monroe was a size 14/16. She was a complete sex symbol and she was curvy. Then in the 60's that all changed and Twiggy brought thin models into fashion and you know the sad thing, it hasn't changed since. Weight should not be a fashion statement. Its your health your toying with. As long as you eat healthy, you shouldn't be worrying about your weight at all unless your obsese and endangering your health.
As people panic about obsesity become dangerously common in Britain, they should notice anorexia and bulimia aren't far behind. The good thing is that this is being noticed with magazines like 'Bliss' and 'Sugar' taking note of this dangerous trend and encouraging a healthy diet and highlighting the dangers of eating disorders to it's teenage girl readers.
On the other scale however, some fashion designers make their clothes size 4 for their models. Who is that size? It's not fair for models to have to slim to skeletal proportions to fit in this ridiculous size. No woman should be a size 4 by choice. It's completely wrong to expect this of people and shows how shallow the fashion world has become. It's disappointing and unhealthy. Anorexia and Bulimia are not fashion statements, they're a disease.
Teenage girls shouldn't be bombarded with images of celebrities who are stick thin. This is what we are almost being told we should look like. Thin is beauty? Being a teenage girl myself, I know how easily influenced some of us can be. Sometimes I feel I should be thin to be accepted. I find myself feeling inadequate next to my thinner friends. My best friend is naturally thin, I am naturally curvy. I envy how she can pull of styles I wish I could. It makes me feel bad when she can fit into smaller sizes than me. But the difference between us is barely existent. We are both size 10s. She may fit into smaller sizes, I may fit into larger. She has a non existent belly, yet she thinks she's fat. I feel huge next to her. The woman's world shouldn't be a competition of weight. We should be celebrating the woman's body. We are each beautiful and should be allowed to realize this without feeling constantly inadequate.
Now if only the celebrity world would realize and eat a sandwich.


Blogger Cass said...

Hey I love love love your blog!

your so right. everyone is totally obsessed with the rate of obesity that's augmenting in every country that they don't notice all the skinny people that are just withering away due to their eating disorders. i've lived in a lot of places and seen a lot of different things, but the thing that's always the same is the amount of people starving themselves to try and be more beautiful when to be honest i dont think that the skeletor look is all that atractive.

anyways, love your blog.

Cassie <3

9:19 AM  
Blogger Cass said...

hey. thanks for leaving a comment on my blog!! meant a lot to me. gotta run though so i'll talk to you later. keep on writing!!
oh check out my blog soon i'm going to have a thing on the campaign for real beauty. <3 Cass

1:53 PM  

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